Sunday, July 5, 2009

Pushing me

Unbelievable - I have some runs to report. My uncle is still here on his visit, and we have been out a couple of times, both forcing each other to run out of guilt that we won't make the city to surf! Neither of us have particularly wanted to, and we know we should, and neither wants to let the other down... the strategy has worked well!

The other thing that has helped my running is that he is faster than me. His pace is only a small fraction slower than my race pace, so I have been trying hard to keep up with him. I think I have slowed him a tad, but it has kept me working hard. I have managed ok until today, when we did a two lap run and I flagged badly half way through the second lap.

This week I ran on my own on Wednesday evening, then again yesterday and again today. I'll have my uncle to run with next week two, and then he will be home for a week or two before another visit.

Now, if only my calves would stop hurting I could recover for me next run!

1 comment:

Jess said...

A runing partner always helps with both motivation and speed!