Tuesday, May 26, 2009

At least now I can log a run

Today's run: 4.9km, 39 mins 58 secs

Well I'm back to ridiculously slow times again. But at least today I can say that I went for a run after a week of no runs at all. No runs and laziness.

And I am so amazed that I got out for todays run at all. When I run during the week, I often run over to my parents place and stay and have dinner, then one of them drops me home. Their place is 5km away (well, 4.9 to be exact). I had to stay back at work for a meeting this afternoon, so when that finished at 4:30, I gave them a ring to see if it would be ok if I came over for dinner today (I love my parents). So I left work at about 4:45 and instead of the usual 30 minutes to get home, it took about 50 minutes. There was an accident today too which meant that I took a different route home, one that in fact took me past my parents place. My hands wanted so badly to take the steering wheel and veer over to pull up outside their place. I could have just stayed there instead of going home, changing, and running over and it would have been so much easier! I mean, it's not like I am one of those people who desperately loves running and can't wait to get out there.

But I tried valiantly to remind myself about how much I would like it once I started, and about how good it would be once I had finished, and so I did in fact manage to drive past my parents without stopping. I call that an achievement.

The run wasn't wonderful, in fact it was a tad uncomfortable in some spots, and I didn't really have the energy or motivation to push it much today. But like I tried to convince myself, I was pleased once I had it done.

'Spose I just need to keep reminding myself of that!

1 comment:

Audrey said...

Yep, keep the positive talk going! I'm in the same place right now, if it wasn't for Guinness, I'd not bother starting again.