Friday, May 1, 2009

No drink, but a run

Today's run: 4.9km in 37 minutes

On Friday afternoons after work, I normally go with a couple of friends to a local pub for a drink. It's a great opportunity to unwind, socialise and have a good long whinge about work before going home for the weekend! After the first week back, I really felt like my normal Friday drinks, however my usual compadres had other plans today. So rather reluctantly, I headed home early.

It turned out ok though. When I got home, I had a really long nap (for an hour and a half!). I love my nana naps as much asthe next person but I usually don't sleep that long - I must have really needed it! Once I woke up, I ran over to Mum and Dad's again. In the evening when it's dark I like doing that run. There are plenty of street lights, and although the route is on a busy road, in the dark that's not such a bad thing. I'm not too keen on running around the streets too close to my place in the dark and alone.

Dinner was fish and chips (yum!) and after a cup of tea, Mum dropped me home where I have promptly changed into pyjamas. A little tv, maybe some craft time and an early night.

Tomorrow I'm hoping to do a reasonable length run since I'm doing the 8km Mother's Day run next weekend and I'm not technically back to running 8km yet!

1 comment:

Aud said...

I'm like you - I don't like running in the dark on my own. Add to that running in very secluded areas in daylight on my own. Sort of limits me a bit.