Sunday, May 31, 2009

That's more like it

Today's run: 4.8km in 36 mins 15 secs

This morning I was a little sore after yesterday's longer-than-usual effort.

So I was very excited when I managed to get in a fairly good 5km. (Well, my loop is 4.8km but let's not split hairs). I felt so much more comfortable, with more energy and leg strength than yesterday. Now, of course I ran much further yesterday but even at the start of yesterday's run I never felt that good.

I just need to work out what pleases the Running God so I can have more nice comfy runs like that. I figure if I can keep churning out the kilometres like that fairly easily the speed and endurance will come.

1 comment:

Audrey said...

Glad to see you're still sticking at it. I can't figure out either why some runs are really comfortable and some are plain agony. Wish I could - then I'd choose only to do the nice ones, LOL