Sunday, May 17, 2009

Slightly better

Today's run: 5km in 40 mins 21 secs

Well, today's run wasn't the complete disaster that yesterdays was. I usually don't run 5km this slowly in training even, but I was consiously trying to keep things slow and steady so I could get it all done comfortably, which I did. Once I reached about 4km, I had to decide whether to turn right, making it a 7.5km run, or left, making it a 5km run. Obviously, I chose left, but I figured after how tired I was on Friday night and my crappy run yesterday, I would just take this as my cut back week and keep it short and sweet. I also figure if I do lots of runs like todays that are fairly comfortable and not too challenging, whilst I might not get super quick super fast I will hopefully maintain some enthusiasm for running!

So today finished up my 3-runs-a-week-for-3-weeks goal. Go me! As of today, I'm setting myself the same goal again, which sounds like a bit of a cop out, but is actually harder. We're coming into exam and report season at work, which is always redunkulously busy, and it's getting colder too. (I know temperature shouldn't matter too much, but I am a wuss).

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