Wednesday, April 22, 2009

A mad, mad run

Today's run: 6.4km in 49 mins 54 secs

Today I am really cranky about some things that have been said to me. I won't go into the detail of what that is here, but suffice to say I went out and did my best run in ages!

I left the Ipod at home so I could think over the issue, with a view to 'getting over it'. Well, I didn't get over it, I got even madder, but my form felt great, my legs were turning over faster than usual (well, ok, I'm still slow) and I kept going for longer than I have in a while!

I even got to the point today where I really wanted to run, and felt like I needed a run, a feeling I have been hoping for and trying to kindle as I build back to where I used to be. In the holidays I usually run when I get up (and I get up late in the holidays!), but today I had something being delivered this morning and had to be home. So I got showered and dressed for the rest of my day. On so many other days I would have not bothered with a run under those conditions (I hate running later in the day), but after my delivery came, I actually really felt like pounding some frustration out!

So I'm still mad, but it's nice to have a good run every now and then!

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