Sunday, April 12, 2009

A quick game is a good game

Today's run: 3.2km, 22 mins, 19 secs

Today I ran in the afternoon instead of the morning. I hate running in the afternoon - by the time the day is half over, I have much less energy and motivation. Plus I get so sweaty after a run I really need to shower again and wash my hair!

I ran with my Ipod today, which I had left at home yesterday, and I think it helped. The songs I have on my running playlist keep my fairly pumped, and were responsible for me running much, much quicker than normal. After I realised I was running much quicker than normal, I decided to do a short, quick run rather than a longer, slower run. My pace turned out to be less than 7 minutes for a kilometre, something of a miracle for me in any situation other than a race!

My goal these school holidays is to run 10 times. I don't care how long or how far, but I just want to establish the habit of running again pretty solidly so that when school goes back I have half a chance of keeping it up!

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