Friday, January 4, 2008

2nd Jan - Don't run before you can walk!

Today's Run: 3.2km, 27 mins 47 seconds, Couch to 5km Program Week 3 Day 1
(90 seconds running, 90 seconds walking, 3 minutes running, 3 minutes walking...
keep repeating)

Today's run was ok. I went at about 6 in the evening, as it's been about 30 degrees (celsius) during the day and it had cooled down slightly by then (at least there were more shadows at that time).

Whilst it sounds like a measly effort, it's the first time that I've run more than 90 seconds at a time, and I am bummed that I got some shin pain today in my left leg just below the knee. It's currently being iced with some McCains SteamFresh Peas, Corn and Carrots!

I have been trying to do more than 3 runs a week as I start the C25K program again... Whilst I have actually heard many times that it is easier to start again if you have run before, truth be told it is really just that I am impatient to be running reasonable distances regularly, and would love to do some group training runs and short races. I will need to do some reading on running styles too - when I got the pain I changed my running style and it improved a lot. I did not throw my legs forward so much and put more weight on the ball of my foot (but did not actually run on the ball of my foot).

So I guess the moral of the story for today is to take my time and not rush things. This is a difficult lesson for me, but I don't want to have to learn the hard way. I was watching a program on the web about a group of people Nova trained to run the Boston Marathon in 40 weeks - one girl got shin splits that were stress fractures and had to pull out, and I don't want that to be me.

I guess time will pass and I will get to that point eventually but geez, it seems like it is going to take such a long time!

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