Friday, January 4, 2008

3rd Jan - Training Run

Today's run: 3.2km, 27 mins 34 secs, C25K program Week 3 Day 2
(90 seconds running, 90 seconds walking, 3 minutes running, 3 minutes walking, keep repeating)

Today's run was fairly good. My shin was ok today - I could feel it, or at least I was conscious of that spot, but it certainly wasn't painful. After running last night and again this morning, I am feeling like I am crossing some runs off of my training program again. Man I love my long summer holidays too - I can run at whatever time of day I like, and don't have to fit it all in around work and other things that often get in the way!

I have been looking on the internet for a running group that I can join in my area. There are a few possibilities... but I think I will wait until I can at least run 5km again without stopping (albeit slowly!) In particular, there is a group called Can Too! that train people to run a marathon, half marathon or shorter and in return you need to raise money to go to cancer research. The only problem is that I am not sure that I coulod raise the $1250 needed to train for the half marathon in the later part of the year. Something to think about.

Happy running everyone!

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